Unregistered Guy Named Eric

The same way I watch sports, just keeping in mind that what you're seeing is not a reflection on you personally.

Your album is really good, and very professional. The Japanese have good taste!

R.E.M. - Life's Rich Pageant
Rancid - …and Out Come the Wolves
Belle and Sebastian - Tigermilk

I'll wait for season 3 when he goes to Japan.

This is my favorite thing Carpenter has done since In The Mouth of Madness.

I finally watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. That was a very entertaining movie.

I have listened to I think 4 of those and 2 of them are the top 2. There's at least 25 albums on there I have never heard of before.

The Day I Knocked Pat Summerall's Headset Off
by John Madden

but not at golf tho

I never Snapchat without them!

* tries using Virtual Reality goggles, walks into a chifforobe, hurts toe and/or is transported to Narnia *

We have a family armoire, and it doesn't have drawers. It's very spacey, though!

The world sure seems determined to make Virtual Reality goggles happen.

Truthiness at it's most essentialistic

From what I've seen, they both rely on great attacking play which could be streaky/tenuous. But Man City looked amazing from a few samples, and Guardiola has won a bunch of trophies managing sides that rely on technical excellence. So I'd say that, plus Arsenal's frustrating recent history, puts MC in the driver's

Spoiler Warning for Arsenal vs. Chelsea

That's probably my favorite one.

Sometimes when I post, especially if I'm starting a new thread, it takes anywhere from a half hour to two hours to appear in it's correct place (though I can always see it on my profile, even if it means no one else can).