Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Hopefully, Super Secret Ghost Project is a reboot of Ghost with Zac Efron and, I don't know, Taylor Swift?!?

No case too small.

Maybe they salvaged a little of that money by selling the fleet of trucks to The Young Pope.

I think that's where "noir" came from, too. A French series reprinting crime novels with black covers.

My God, a whole new generation of hackers raised on CSI: Cyber.

One of my favorite quotes ever. Godard says a lot of things that work as multi-faceted philosophy, equally abstract and practical. In this case, just look at how often we're quick to form opinions just to have them, about art or anything else we can claim and fight over. On some level, we should be emotionally

It might be a decent entry point, but it's not his best album. His first official album, Personal Journals, is probably a better indicator of his work, even if it's a little weird. My favorite is the album he did as Non-Prophets called Hope. That has a ton of references to old rap songs, but it's just a great hip-hop

My favorite opening credits have stayed pretty consistent for the last few years.

Sage Francis - Human the Death Dance

I just hope they do cheers after screenings.

I think this is the episode of Atlanta that solidified for me what the show is, and how good it can be without trying to wear ambition on it's sleeve in a traditional sense.

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost

I'm very excited for Westworld. I assume I'll be watching it weekly, unless it's a real let-down. I'm now watching Atlanta weekly as well, and Better Things.

Dude, you've had like a week!


I got 50% on this one, too. Which is higher than I have gotten on these type of quizzes in the past.

In Wrath of Khan, Captain Kirk has another kinda weary tough guy monologue that is pretty central to that movie and his character. The one right before the infamous scream of "Khan!" (which everyone remembers for being cheezy, but the actual speech is pretty great).

I'm kinda shocked they left out probably my favorite, Paul Newman from the end of The Hustler. I've posted it here before, but here's the whole thing written out.

They were in a pinch and had to borrow their tops from the local ladies Roller Derby team.