Unregistered Guy Named Eric

This deer thought it was having an ordinary day, just like any other. Little did it know it was about to enter the…

Somebody get that deer a Cruller!

1. I read Joe the Barbarian, a graphic novel (or collected mini-series) by Grant Morrison and Sean Murphy. It's about a kid who is going into hypoglycemic shock and begins travelling between the real world and a fantasy world where he's meant to be a savior.

There's a thousand teams in the Big 10?

and replaced in all instances with No Doubt's "Don't Speak."

I've had that, it means you're craving a sandwich.


A few more players are wanted for tonight's Trivia game in chat. Come as you are, no cosplay necessary. Plz join.

As a fan of Florida State in college and the Jacksonville Jaguars in the NFL, this has been pretty much the worst weekend of (American) football ever.

Fink does The Kinks!

He's used to it. ;-)

But he's conflicted about it! (or at least about corrupting Occam's soul)

The whole first 2 sides of London Calling =-P. Order isn't important. But, seriously, I'm gonna try:

I always enjoy catching up with what I missed on Chatovod the night before:

They didn't complete many records before Joe passed, sadly, but I definitely feel that Global a Go-Go is their peak, and one of my favorite albums.

Trivia can be USA vs. North America.

There's a little known rule in television that if all the new network shows are debuting on the same week, one has to be set aside as the Designated Survivor. That way, if they're all cancelled right away, one show can survive to lead prime time programming in it's time of crisis.