Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Plus all the drop down suggested sites are in blue now.

This bird, Mr. Hunt, has flown.


Wow, there were 13 shows worse than MacGyver?

On the other side of that trailer, painted in big letters it says: Jon Snow is Alive! Alive!!

Extratorrent and rarbg (I use that one for tv eps).

Oooh I remember that ep. You're like right before the really great run of episodes starts.

Billy Joel's songs really sound like they belong in musical theater to me. He can't help but drive home a story/point in a very unsubtle, generally narrative way. I've come to really dislike some of his biggest hits ("My Life," "Big Shot," "NY State of Mind") due to overexposure and just the comical simplicity of the

There are a lot of artists I really like in there, but I'd have to at the very least spend some time re-familiarizing myself with them. I could probably do a Wu-Tang list but only if I excluded all the great (and otherwise) solo projects, etc. I've listened to many great Yo La Tengo songs, but they have at least like

I'd like to see you prove it in court! ;-)

Insomniac is definitely my favorite Green Day album.

Pt. 2: UGNE's Top 10 Billy Joel songs

This is either going to win you the election or lose you the election. Whatever the case, you heard it here first!

UGNE's Top 10 Green Day songs

I'm gonna try out Ghostery!

Unfortunately, Saturdays are a no-go for me. But it sounds like it should be an excellent game!

"Thou Shalt Not Pass!"

A jam by any other name would still sound as bangin'.

Kick Out The Jams?

Yeah, the interactions with Jar Jar probably would've gone much better if CGI had advanced another couple of years. They were in a sort of limbo before technology caught up to the concept.