Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I missed the feeling of cool air. It's so nice/rare!

I might have to get this one.

All the trucks in my area serve Mexican, but they're all great. I had a Chorizio Tortas (like a big ol' sandwich with burrito fillings) which was really good.

I was braced for some hurricane weather, but it doesn't seem to be hitting us very hard. A few patches of pouring rain, but no scary or threatening winds. Apparently some workplaces let out early today because they wanted the roads clear by 5pm for the storm, but that only lasted like an hour at most.

I've been meaning to write something longer about this, but I basically feel the opposite of FCHulk. The genius of Stranger Things was to create a pretty clean narrative then turn around and delay the plot movement, hold us in suspense while using the time available through eight episodes to show us characters

I guess they never addressed them returning, just kept showing them in the brackets. When they wrestled, JBL was like "They may have some ring rust after 16 years off."

As a liberal Floridian, I feel like my self-hate is ethically and politically justified!

The Ball is Round is an amazing book. I've never read it straight through, always taking on a different piece of it at a time (since it's so long and just filled with endless info dumps). But there's places where it broke down sports and spectator culture in a way that was more clarifying to me than anything else I've

Also, randomly, Ben Foster was co-lead in the 2011 version. He has been replaced in the sequel by Jessica Alba. YMMV.

I might have to watch it now. From reading the spoilers, there's a mix of intriguing and frustrating things.

Early in your first Buffy run? That is a nice place to be!

Probably not live, as I have a family thing. If it's good, I'll try to catch it later.

I thought that each of the three main characters had a much better arc this season. From about the halfway point on, it felt like there was an emotional climax and catharsis in almost every episode.

I was a little perturbed by the choice at first, since a backstage wrestling show has the potential to be something like UnReal, or maybe even better a Larry Sanders Show but with a sports-aspirational ensemble like Friday Night Lights. Jim Cornette could play himself! There's so much potential there.

Yeah, season 2 just finished with 13 episodes. I was a little confused cause Wikipedia was listing it as 18 eps, but that's been corrected. Also, it was renewed for a s3 by Hulu!

I read the 33 1/3 book on Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland. It's very brisk and entertaining and sums up/organizes a lot of information and ideas about Hendrix in brief and clear text.


s2 of Casual was a pretty class season of TV. s1 was good, especially towards the end, but this season has been a substantial step up IMO.

Do you ever get in one of those modes where you stay up all night and sleep all day? Oddly, it actually suits my work schedule but still…it's liberating for a week or two, and then it becomes kind of frustrating. I've actually set my alarm for 5pm so I don't miss my nephew's birthday dinner.