Unregistered Guy Named Eric


God is watching the upvotes
God's not watching the video, either

More anti-heel bias in the mainstream media!

Isn't there Game of Thrones? That's on….like, FOX, right?

Six alt-right memes.

That's six.

Yeah, that was Todd Bertuzzi sucker punching Steve Moore (of the Avalanche). It looks like Moore took way more permanent/career-ending damage than Brashear. In both cases, they were charged with assault and got a conditional discharge.


This calls for

Better Off Dead is terrific!

If they're tracking you thru your VCR, you can adjust that! It may be your only line of defense.

I am currently barred from Upvoting any comments on the top page.Everything after "Read More" is fair game, though.

Happy Birthday, Narwhal!

Yeah but I'm not talking about what happens once a wrestler finally gets out of his contract. I mean the period from Royal Rumble 2014 to his release in February 2015. (Per his Wikipedia: During his hiatus, it was reported that Mysterio wanted to leave WWE but the promotion had extended his contract without his

Very true. But in Bryan's case, I'm not talking about what happens once he leaves the company. I'm saying his current contract keeps rolling over due to a clause that kicks in when a wrestler is unable to perform in matches. Basically he goes from having a year and a half or whatever left on his WWE contract to a

One thing I haven't heard anyone mention, and maybe it's moot but: Daniel Bryan was absolutely willing to leave WWE in order to continue wrestling in other places for less money. He's not contractually allowed to.

He flexed out of the cast of this franchise.

He made bald friends!
