Unregistered Guy Named Eric

On The Howard Stern Show in 1997, Trump discussed with Stern the risk of getting diseases from dating, and agreed with Stern's characterization of dating as Trump's "personal Vietnam". Trump said he felt "like a great and very brave soldier", but added, "This is better than Vietnam".


Fine. I'm not even gonna prepare then. I didn't even want to be prepared.

None taken.

"I will build-a the wall, and then I'll a-gradually destroy it by bashing it with-a my head when I jump."


I am really happy to have all of you as my friends.

Clearly we need to bring back The Superstars, where stars from different sports would compete against each other in other random sports to find out who was the best athlete (and Joe Frazier almost drowned trying to swim).

Like, who is the best sportsman at their peak moments in the last year or so? Who is the most impressive athlete?

Is she somehow responding to the review even before it was written? Eerie!

Trivia will return in Diamonds Are Forever.

Hopefully not in the middle of his Jump!

Is astral projection not banned in the High Jump?

Unfortunately, the Youtube vids having to crop the image and speed up the eps doesn't really do justice to the show. At least they're out there, I suppose. There's a few on Vimeo and Dailymotion, but not nearly as many. (I'm glad I got the DVDs when they were in stores, as the prices on like Amazon are way too high

Actually, use THIS link. Much better sound. Plus they keep in the brilliant credits, albeit sped-up for Youtube.

It's a kids' show from the 90s that's very surreal and daring. It has kept a strong hold on the imaginations of people who watched it at a formative time.

Sorry, man. FWIW, this is a rare week that I'll probably be available either Friday or Saturday (knock on wood) if you want to do that.