Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Now I'm trying to watch the Women's Bronze Medal Match and the Men's Semifinal at the same time.

We had a big pasta dinner for my niece's birthday, elbow macaroni with sauce and meatballs, salad, Texas Toast, cake and ice cream. There was a ton of leftovers but all my attempts to transfer food through the internet have thus far been failures. Maybe it's because I don't have the latest iPhone?

Man, I missed all these good matches today. Looks like a good slate tomorrow, too, I'll try to watch more.

She really disappears into the part.

Good Nadal vs. Bellucci match going on now with the Brazilian crowd getting really into it and lifting Bellucci.

Nah, they just like to put on starfleet uniforms and play Settlers of Catan, it's their Thursday evening routine.

This is what happens when you're legally required to forfeit your site to Hulk Hogan.

Poor Steve Avery =-(

..and here Joel thought he'd gotten away from crazy showrunners.

Well, first off, and this one's a doozy, comedy was changed forever by a series that has managed to run for the whole duration of that time and influence basically every aspect of the popular culture. That being, of course, Dinosaurs.

I refuse to believe Clooney was ever younger than 50.

I think Dwayne's point was "It doesn't matter what his name is."

Is Manafort the Guarascio and Port of the Trump Campaign?

I don't know what exactly I think of UnReal s2. Except it's no longer one of the best shows on TV.

I read about that. Seems like a really weird choice. I definitely can't source it to anything in 80s Batman continuity that I ever read.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

You gotta look at this the long way around. Vin works closely with Batista on Guardians. Eh? Eh? Wrestlemania 2017! Rock vs. Batista! We're starting the build-up now!!

Also, perhaps:

This ape situation has really evolved.