Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I'm gonna say Zoot. He seems so unassuming.

Veddy nice.

Del Potro beat Djokovic in the Bronze Medal Match in London. Still a shocking result, though.

"The Wind Cries Mary" would likely be mine.

Wow, I didn't expect that take to sound so different from the released version. The inclusion of honking horn really mixes things up ;-).

But I find more and more that these types of readings become reductive and refuse to consider art on its own terms and I think it really… shuts off the ability to empathise with something perceived as an "other"


I read her review last night. I had a pretty strong reaction, but I don't think it was to anything specific that Glaz wrote. I don't have a big problem with interpreting movies through a social/political lens, even if that means coming into the film with an agenda and presuppositions. I think that can be part of

Too smart ass?

Whenever Abed says "I've made a huge mistake!"

Now this is more my speed. I got 3 Peekachorbs, 2 Fish On Land (Why?) and a Literally a Ball With a Face! How I've missed the feeling of covering every inch of space trying to level up. Welp, time to play some Shuffleboard.

I swear I remember people talking about that as an above average flick and heralding a potential comeback for Murphy, but it died quickly.

All Spoilers, All The Time

Reposted Youtube Comments

Wow. Congratulations!

I sent her to fight other Pokemon, but she just licked their toes.

I thought I had one, but it was just my cat. =-(

When that happens, I cut what I wrote, reload the page and then paste the text back in. Sometimes I have to log back in, but usually it's just an error. It happens when I've had the page open for a long time.