Unregistered Guy Named Eric

OK, let's try this: Netflix Binge Survey, on how many eps you've watched of Stranger Things and the new Bojack Horseman season. You can change your answer when you watch more eps, and each time you finish, you can see the total results for everyone here.

For some reason, I can only see my AV Club account Notifications if I'm logged into my Disqus account now. I'm scared this is a step towards a forced merging of accounts that will eliminate my comments history.

All of Season 5, last November. It held up about as well as I remembered it, maybe a little better. It still peaks towards the middle of the season and dips towards the end.

Cultural appropriation of British sounding names. For shame, Canada!


The A.V. Club
Forget pokemon. Oliver stone has hot daughter.

CZ Film Club 2016

That's some of Moodysson's other pictures!

Here's some other lists, in case that helps.

I really like J. Hoberman's The Dream Life. Might not fit precisely what you're looking for, but it ties together 60s art, culture and politics in a very unique way.

Say Hi to Alex.

Sometimes my life feels like that nightmare/stress dream where it's like "I forgot to go to work. I forgot to go to school! I forgot to leave school and I've been sitting at this desk for 15 years!!"

Since Stephen and I were talking about watching Kiarostami, I'll nominate Life, and Nothing More….

Summer Film Club 2016

Great Job, Internet!

Wait…so that's not really Diane Chambers??

"We don't want to cause no trouble
We're just here to keep your hot dog supple"

Is this the Stranger Things? I meant to start that today but this turned into a lost day pop-culture wise. The word of mouth (word of text?) on that show seems really good, I'm looking forward to watching it.

Yeah when I said "Yes" to an hour of TV, I meant on my desktop.