Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Hey old man, don't score-shame us with your toxic judgment, allright? We're just trying to reduce our Gluten Footprint! If you really want to understand us, maybe check out our Emoji-Chat profiles.

I was actually gonna post about how you'd have the lowest score, but even I couldn't predict that!

I said "Yes" for work reasons as well (I actually talk consistently to City Hall officials about gripping contemporary issues like "Do you need more of our free booklets?" and "Do you guys have a bathroom that's open to the public?"). But maybe just the fact we work(ed) for newspapers is suitably pre-millennial.


I finally watched Wet Hot American Summer from start to finish. It's weird cause I'd caught clips of it so many times on TV, but they're all much better in context, just because the bits are all meant to digress from a seemingly normal retro teenage comedy, which they come back to periodically to ground the absurdity.

Whenever I overhear my nephew watching Pokemon, it sounds like they keep adding names, terms and places without ever really explaining or justifying what's going on. It feels like they had a catalogue of stuff to sell and built the show around that.

I'm gonna abstain from answering on the grounds that no one in non-professional games defends the pick and roll well. Switching off the ball just involves too much forethought.

A little bit, yeah. I mean, any version of the movie made today would put a lot more emphasis on the choices of the female characters, and they would be considerably less accepting of being slapped around for sure.

Thank you!

I dropped my thoughts on Purple Rain over on the other board yesterday.

If you listened to what he was thinking about, we'd all be arrested!

My parents are watching Straight Outta Compton.

I'm watching this Cinemax show called Outcast. It's a full on horror show, with gore and gross-outs, pretty much based on The Exorcist but with what appears to be a larger ensemble and hopefully stronger mysteries.

Soderbergh at Emmys (Moby Remix)

As long as I can remember, they've been engaged in battle. Who will win? I may never know. But it relieves me to know their eternal competition will keep them from joining forces and turning on me.

Maybe she rode in on a horse and challenged him to a Dressage competition?

They could've probably done a good Community episode built around Pokemon Go (or a generic knock-off). I feel like Magnitude plays it all the time.

Here is the Balor vs. Nakamura episode if you want to watch it. I feel like I need to share it with somebody. I loved the match. Nowhere near the crowd heat of the Zayn/Nakamura match, but IMO the wrestling is even better. Pretty close to a New Japan match in an NXT ring, and totally unique for an American match.

Somewhat. There were a ton of Anticon (and related) projects, and while cLOUDDEAD were probably the most distinctive, I was more into some of the other stuff that was more derived from traditional rap, I guess. I do still enjoy their stuff, though.