Unregistered Guy Named Eric


There was a movement in the early 00s, albeit an online and niche movement, for "abstract rap" that really influenced my tastes in hip-hop. Unfortunately, people turned on it pretty hard and pretty quickly, and it fragmented. But for me at least, it was a Golden Age that introduced me to the artists I still listen to.

A very good place to start!

Back when I first got into indie rap (a long ass time ago now), I always read Vertex was clearly Buck 65's masterpiece and overshadowed all his later albums. I'm not sure if that would still be the opinion of his fans now, but it remains a very unusual and unique album that he says was influenced by David Lynch and

I want to say Roadkill Overcoat or Temporary Forever. From everything I've listened to, he seems pretty consistent, so almost any entry point should hopefully be a good one.

Then begin searching for collections of B-sides.

I guess from the top? I'd say "Resurrection" is my favorite rap album ever, and "Lucy Ford" is probably the best indie rap album ever, and in both cases you'll get a good idea of what they're about right away.

Possible addendum:

Resurrection - Common
Hope - Non-Prophets
Lucy Ford - Atmosphere
Black on Both Sides - Mos Def
Haiku D'Etat - Aceyalone, Mikah 9 & Abstract Rude
Vertex - Buck 65
Got Lyrics? - Illogic
By All Means Necessary - Boogie Down Productions
The Many Faces of Oliver Hart - Eyedea
Copper Gone - Sage Francis (really anything by Sage

Just to sucker punch The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Don't cross the streams.

I was really surprised how quickly their aggression tailed off after an early burst. They had been so relentless in the semi-final. Not sure if they switched to a more conservative tactic when Ronaldo left (if so, the end result was disastrous), if they were understandably exhausted, or if it was just a reaction to

Not like this, and not on dry land!

It was the spirit of Eusebio, travelling.

That moth or whatever it was flying onto his face was too much.


Probably coming a bit late, but I'd say watch Certified Copy and then, time permitting, UnReal. (Or if you don't have enough time for a film, go straight to UnReal).