Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I'm a fan of "Doublemeat Palace," probably cause my first job was working at Taco Bell (and then, later, my fifth job as well!).

I think the latest Lucha Underground may have just created a shared universe crossover with Buffy S3? They introduced an offscreen Mayor who scares even the baddest bad guys, and who is threatening to visit the Temple after his "ascension." Seriously. In a California town even. At the very least, it has to be an

Wait, you were DJ Bobo this whole time??

Blackhawks: Chicago?

I think the guy is the neighbor Abbi had a crush on in Broad City? The pegging guy?

What an odd couple of shows to renew.

Oh, you're in the club.

For some reason, watching the trailer after reading this comment has sent me into a giggle fit.

I just found out Michael Emerson used to perform plays at the tiny community theater I walk past most days, from like '87-'90 (as well as several other local theaters in town, some of which I've been to). Pretty hard to imagine him on that stage performing for 30 people on crowded wooden bleachers, but cool.

Congratulations, Not Randy!


(incidentally, the titles of some of the songs that he rips off are slightly changed for reasons I cannot begin to ascertain, considering it's not like the versions with the original titles exist anymore in this movie's universe

They're trying to introduce a "Two Superhero Movies Per Eight Weeks" standard rule.

Stephen, I got booted from chat, so now I'll never know if you consider Bleachers to be a consequential Mainstream Rock act.

Lolz yeah, wrestling podcasts as a genre have moved towards being 2-4 hours as often as they're 50-90 minutes now. It seems peculiar to that particular group of fans…even when it's that network that sprung out of wrestling doing a podcast about Star Trek or Fantastic Four, they go twice as long as a normal pop culture

Disclaimer: This may not be the easiest thing to jump into. But fortunately it is just organized enough I can indeed give you a couple of links that should cover most of it, so Yay! (IDNOT) for that. I think I've listened to about 60% of these. They are mostly really long.

I had a pop-culture-light weekend for the most part. I kept getting ready to watch a movie or an episode of TV, then instead going for a walk, listening to podcasts, taking a nap, getting called off for family stuff, etc.

I tried to get a little of that feeling by making a ladder match between my cats.

I would compare it to the Veronica Mars ending, as it goes out of it's way to emphasize that Alicia's flaws and problems don't go away just because the show is ending. But it was less organic and more…maybe "meta" is the term, as it arranged itself like a romantic film, considering all the potential options and how