Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I thought it was ambiguous, but intentionally and pointedly so. Not confusing IMO. It wasn't a very kind ending for Alicia. I think it upset my Mom.

Kind of crazy that The Good Wife is ending tonight. But at the same time kind of an appropriately low key and tasteful run to the finish for a show that has often seemed more interested in tiptoeing and not waking the neighbors than in accumulating any evident ambition to be a great show. When it did reach it's

Bucky with the good hair.

It's been slow going, but my garden finally has a rabbit and a turtle!

It's a long campaign.

When I think of Rocky, I think of the auteurist mastery of John G. Avildsen.

1. Appoint Cruz as Attorney General
2. Prosecute Hillary
3. ????????????
4. Profit

Late-night TV comedy just isn't as good without Carson.

The greatest trick the Devil ever played was making you think you could lift part of a stack of folded laundry, remove the item of clothing you want, and return the stack to it's original shape and neatness.

I try to follow the protocol of whoever I'm talking with as far as giving away Spoilers goes.

I don't know what to think about it. I don't have high expectations, but then again I really don't know what approach to expect.

That's a cat with a hot tin roof!

Yes, seriously. When he says "It was reported," he means by the National Enquirer.

I don't understand why those crucial female voters never seem to vote Republican anymore.

David Boring is probably my favorite long form Clowes, or it's between that and Ghost World.

Not too shabby. Another good episode of Veep, not quite as strong as the season premiere but still a promising overall start to season 5. Plus, John Slattery. I caught the last two weeks of Archer, which were easily the best 2 eps of the season so far. More comic interactions between the whole cast. A decent ep of The

Will there be an in-movie gag about how Jeremy Lin is the Director?

At least until Trump has Jimmy Kimmel thrown into the Rancor Pit.

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