Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Yeah but only cause everyone there is on Cocaine PM.

Still Alive 8?

That was a frustrating game. It seemed like Toronto didn't keep their composure and look for their shots in the 4th quarter.

I took Julie Andrews advice on that one. "Let's start at the very beginning/a very good price on a Korean bootleg DVD on eBay."

Is that an absolute metric? If I rec something with my AVC account and my Disqus account, does that guarantee a watch? ;-)

From like episode 5 to episode 9 or 10 was a pretty amazing stretch. After that, I'd say they stuck the landing a lot better than s1 but the peak came in the middle IMO. But yeah it's definitely gonna end up a lot higher on my list of favorite shows than it did last year.

Besides Contempt, Irma Vep and Day For Night spring to mind.

I agree with Stephen that those are generally the two best entry points. I started with Breathless myself.


Doctor Who

I'm six episodes in and I'm enjoying it. It's not like a top tier comedy, but it's fun. I would say that so far the characters have been better and more consistent in s2. Plus, she's soooo cute. OK, that's the last time I'll mention it at least thru episode 12.

As it stands, it's primarily an observation. If I were to add "Now my crotch feels like it has a headache" it would work as a reference, but I also worry it might creep out anyone who isn't watching. So I added it here, two replies deep in a nested thread, where no one will ever see it. ;-)

Ellie Kemper is such a fox.

Yeah, that Tilda decal was a great punchline. Episode five is my favorite so far.

Windows 10 has some problems with emotions. I may have to download a stress ball.

Where The Boars Chafe

Sadly, Harley (my sick cat) had to be put down on March 21st. She wasn't eating or drinking and was so dehydrated she was barely moving. That escalation happened pretty suddenly over the last week, where she'd refuse food for awhile then start eating again before finally she just wouldn't anymore, maybe she couldn't.

Hamlet was definitively played by Stanislaus Bushystache in 1763 and IMO the fact that the role hasn't been retired is a continued embarrassment to Shakespeare and his legacy and brings no glory to the British Empire!

Are these games playable on an average PC?