Unregistered Guy Named Eric

He thinks he is. Is there any chance he makes all four of these? Maybe by the last one it'll be like the Atlas Shrugged sequels where he's bankrolling it on Kickstarter and using local locations to stand in for other worlds.

I'm like 80% sure I saw some teenagers taking bong hits in the aisle behind me during Napoleon Dynamite.

I usually turn off my phone, being an old man. But things being as they are, if a movie stinks, I will now feel the right to go on my phone and watch a different movie. ;-)

Are they sweetened, or do they just taste like regular bagels?

Too bad. He could've mailed all the other actors used Mobius Strips.


Do you know what year that's from? I have never read Doctor Strange but that might be an influence on Promethea which would be kind of a "missing link" for me as far as the chain of comic book influences go.

I've always figured that if you incepted Sherlock Holmes, you were gonna see some weird shit.

Lance Reddick was my favorite on the show. Afterwards I'd say Clarke Peters for his role on Treme.

Nah, they were just talking about doing re-shoots to the movie to make it "less grim" after BvS semi-bombed.

I liked the first episode quite a bit.

I'm disappointed the new Suicide Squad trailer didn't splice in scenes of all the characters hitting each other in the face with pies.

That's a very symmetrical and calm garden.

That legacy……….is a lot to carry.

The fun thing about The Bible is it can mean whatever you want it to mean. Especially if you heaven't even read it!

13 extremely minor variations on the same experience

I didn't think he had, either! The first two volumes are two of my favorite albums. I haven't listened to Vol. 3 for some reason.

Carruth and Seimetz being together suddenly makes some of those interviews around Upstream Color make a lot more sense.