Unregistered Guy Named Eric


No one tell him that Reagan wasn't smiling, his face was just stuck that way.

Seriously. I refuse to believe Affro never voted for Eugene Debs.

That is precisely correct, in my state of Florida. In some states, if you are registered Independent, I believe that you can choose which party's primary you want to vote in.

To summarize: Watch out, everybody! Gussie has lost control!!

Freaky deaky.

We take too many pitches. Good tactics isn't sexy baseball!

I just found out the Newspaper Press I work at is being closed in a month!

Trick question?

Why you Tilden-supporting Son of a So and So!

2012 - Obama
2008 - Obama
2004 - Nader

Being the only one asked/allowed to give a naturalistic performance in the Avengers movies has driven him actor-crazy.

Vertigo wasn't nominated for Best Picture. Citizen Kane was nominated but didn't win Best Picture. Doesn't really matter in the long run, though. The critical canon over time isn't perfect, but it matters more than even the eternally affixed "Academy Award Winner" tag.

I was trying to do my best homage to Occam's tonight, given the absence of the genuine article.

More like White the Power, amirite?

Titanic 2! Strike while the iron's hot!!

Who is driving the Oscars? Oh, No! Bear is driving the Oscars!

Just LOL.

If only there were an easy way to checkā€¦?

Turns out I did not know how to pronounce Gena Rowlands.