Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Yeah the woman who won for Mad Max was like "But if I could also say something serious…" and the music came on at that exact second. =-P

The music's been coming quickly tonight.

The music playing her off as she was saying that this week the Pakistani President decided to change the law allowing killings might be the moment that most encapsulates the Oscars and their relationship to films.

We're making a trade for JK Simmons to win some kind of major Russian award.

She's Method.

That seemed like it could've been the James Bond title theme more than the Sam Smith one.

Is that not how S&M works?

This town is just an Old Puppets Network.

That's a fine way to talk about Chris Rock's daughters.

I thought that ad for The Catch was gonna turn out to be a joke, like a GEICO ad or something.

We need a "Bourbon Grimace" emoji. Since it might be the only time a person's face really resembles an emoji.

LOL the scroll. I guess the Oscar Winners Speeches have switched to Spot.IM.

There was a weird car commercial with Affleck-as-Wayne driving the car through falling rubble from what I assume was Superman's fight with Zod. In any case, while Ben himself was shown driving, the commercial never once mentioned Superman, Batman, or the movie except in the fine print. Advertising has kinda changed to

Blink and you'll miss it.

What Would Osiris Do?

Some days I wonder "Hey, who decided to put my face on the Pilot of a Train, and did they take into account my happiness?" But mostly I just try to be grateful….that it isn't right by the Chimney.

It used to be, now it's the saucer section of the Enterprise. Spacious!

Do you think that when it comes to the general election, it'll be pretty easy to scandalize Trump, given his history? His pure shamelessness might not make him so Teflon with non-diehards (or it might, what do I know).

Who is Fuller, and why doesn't he evict the Tanners after all these years?