Unregistered Guy Named Eric

What a perpetual bounty American corruption has given us!


We are barely The AV Club!

Lloyd said he'd be away from the CZ awhile because of a family thing (a close relative who is sick). Hopefully all will turn out well and he'll return in time.

I found an indy video games store that sells like old NES, Genesis and Game Boy carts (they even have Sega Master System games). But they also sell used DVDs! Making them basically the only place besides Dollar General I can go shop for DVDs that I don't in any way need because everything is online now.

Sorry, but you shouldn't have made your account password "Community" =-P

If you're not fleek, you're streets behind.

Well the lack of diversity is more justifiable because Full House takes place in a world where minorities haven't been discovered yet.

In the unlikely case of an Emergency Meltdown, we can reconvene at The ProBoards (aka The Affroboards) to discuss the future, scream and cry. But hopefully such extreme measures will be unnecessary.

Are you sure that wasn't a clip from the Pac-Man cartoon?

Happy Birthday, Steven!

Gojira neko! Kiwotsukero!

I'm having trouble logging into the dark recesses of your mind at the moment. Want to just use Tinychat again?

That's pretty much what I got, too, except ten less.


Or maybe we're still in Tinychat. Who can say? Better try both!

I'm unable to get into Chatovod at the moment. Anyone else having this issue? Hopefully it'll clear up soon.