Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I know some people have admirably hard and fast rules on this, but for me it's always in flux. Because at any given moment, you have what you think of the art, how seriously you take it and what you think of the person or people behind it, and how seriously you take that, and then you have the influence of public

That Pokemon commercial during the Super Bowl really made it look like a sport, to kind of a weird degree even.

"Why do me and Clinton have to be such pigs?"

Oh really? I just assumed that was his voice.

I'm not a big Drake fan or anything, but that cell phone commercial was pretty funny.

We're getting slower in our old age.

They can come to our party, we need ice.

Eli is The Mentalist. Did well for awhile but was never really that good, and eventually everyone just forgot about it.

CBS were here for the first comment with their mediocre procedurals and they're here for the 50,000th, with Gary Sinese helming a new Criminal Minds while looking like a possessed marionette.


The Book of Genesis Meets The Creature From The Black Lagoon

Shinigami's life is a Sam and the Cat! (Though, disappointingly, I think Akinator may have meant Sam & Cat. Boooo!)

"The Milk and Honey Route" is easily my #1, but since Stephen got that one, I'd say a worthy #2 is the "Heaven Sent" ep of Doctor Who, which is purposefully unlike any other DW ep ever.

I thought this was amazing. Seems like there's a fair amount of movies and TV that attempts to take old tropes of those mediums, and settings, and ideas, but then show the darker, more truer, underbelly that a real life version of it might entail. Horace and Pete is one of the few that really succeeds, IMO, and does

I just found out there's a new soccer-centric streaming service where you get a bunch of channels (not the NBC or Fox ones) for $10 a month. I might try that out, I just worry I won't find time to take advantage of it and watch enough matches. But it has BeIn and the time I got a free preview of that channel, they had

Stephen77 has agreed to cease hostilities with SG Standard across the Themed Trivia border.

I got to play one of my favorite Trailer Games, "Is That James McAvoy or Ewan McGregor?", for a full two minutes into that trailer. New record!

I've never actually thought about The Coens as conservative-leaning, and sussing out that kind of stuff is usually one of my first instincts about films. I guess they seem like the type of liberals that have such a snide, smartass, condescending view of the world that they smother out the virtues of being liberal?

Ouch, that guy's taking a real brow-beating in this conversation.

How much research went into picking the films?