Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I have a lot of sway in that world, being as I know Not Randy personally. We play in the same fantasy football leagues.

I thought Horace and Pete was pretty amazing. It works just fine as a stand-alone (outside of my not knowing if I should rank it as a Movie or a TV Show on the Best Of 2016 lists), but if they were to make it an occasional special, or even a short like 6-ish-episode season, I'd be inclined to pay $5 an episode (or if

1. I loved him in…IMDB. Bringing Out The Dead and Adaptation are already used. Lord of War is kinda underrated.
2. Agents of Shield
3. The novel Agents of Shield was a little thin on characterization? I prefer the comics of Jessica Jones to the show, though.
4. Waking Life
5. Together, they fight crime.
6. Yeah, real

When they did close-ups on the slashed necks, I kept thinking Sherlock had found a clue! But, no, CBS just didn't want us to miss the subtle psychological and visceral horror.

Trollin' the dinner table.


Ned Rifle, Sleeping With Other People, Inside Out

I'll put in a vote for Yes. It's not the most narratively satisfying story IMO, but it's got a rich atmosphere and for the most part I enjoyed it a lot. (I watched a subtitled version FWIW, I doubt it will change the experience that much.)

I'm in for this (or both of these).

Damn, I picked the wrong week to start actually going to sleep by Midnight.

I'm pretty sure Doc will never pick Djokovic. =-P

I just can't see how Scooby-Doo is flexible enough to accommodate a new mythology.

Maybe it's just the Rosenbaum influence talking again, but I've often thought Rivette was the greatest filmmaker ever, or at least the most exciting experimental filmmaker.

Dungeon Masters on Twitter? Is that a thing now?

Game Developer Barbie: comes with misogynist tweets from angry gamers!

AFGAn, for short.

Yeah, the French have generally great art and a good disposition towards it. Also, my Mom and her family are from France, and have proven to be much cooler than my Dad's side of the family (German-American), so that gives them the edge in my favorites' list.

To be fair, everyone loves cheese.

Best cultures for pro wrestling, circa 2016: