Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Which one is Arthur Darvill?

I've seen Chopped Teens. That title is very misleading.

I was gonna say S03E17. Between those two and their gloss on "Glee," s3 was a good season for parodies.

The two Linklater films (which are very different from each other visually), The Illusionist and Way of the Gun are all really nicely shot movies. I didn't know they were the same guy.

Definitely a much better episode, but equally tacky in it's own way.

Poor Kacey Rohl, everything bad happens to her. I think it's because she has such a good jumpy/traumatised face. (Which is a compliment….?)

Is this kinda like What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar?

How come no one picks Everton? Everton are cool. =-P

I'd like to put something up the Spurs, allright!

It barely made the weekend, but the WWE Royal Rumble was an excellent show. The rare event where every match was a success. I was most excited by AJ Styles debut and the crowd's massive reaction to him. I hope it's something the company takes advantage of, but I try not to get too excited. Like most WWE fans, I've

Occam's was right. I do love bears. I just never wanted to admit it to myself. Or to Stephen Colbert. Please nobody tell him, I'm afraid he might judge me.

I can't believe New England didn't pull it out somehow. They had so many chances! Even now, I'm expecting to hear about some obscure rule that reverses the result.

I personally prefer to Bear Down, especially when midterms are involved.

I'm trying to figure out how this helps me decide which Goalie to start on my fantasy hockey team. I'm assuming it's a code, or "Red Brick" is the nickname of an Eastern European guy who plays for Tampa Bay now.

Netflix's Top Picks For Eric include:


From what little I've heard, the first episode sounds like it might be pretty weak, but it picks up towards the middle of the mini-season, so I'm gonna try to cut it some slack early on.

My two favorite Pitt performances and characters are probably The Tree of Life and A River Runs Through It. Though The Assassination of Jesse James… is my favorite overall film he's starred in.

Sorry I missed out (or if no game was played, sorry I wasn't there to round out the numbers). I have an increasing amount of nights per week filled with stuff (Tuesday - Thursday for work and now Friday looks like it will be family game night going forward, and while I might be able to sneak in a tablet for RISK,