Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I agree, but it's really just replacing a trope from 1977 with a modern one. Instead of a wide-eyed innocent young man on a Hero's Journey, she's an ass-kicking latchkey girl who has to reclaim her heretofore undiscovered legacy of greatness.

Well Lady Stormtrooper can't be the Mother, cause then they'd have to acknowledge that characters can't be simply divided between Real People and Faceless Targets.

They're definitely Hydra. It's a clear giveaway.

Even as it started to become apparent what was going to happen, I guess I didn't believe they'd have the guts to go through with it. So props to the movie for actually taking the story to it's natural, and most effective, conclusion.

Les Warz Du Star

I hope it's just clips of news pundits on TV and every time someone says "Benghazi," Jim just looks at the camera.

I especially like when it's like a Top 50 or Top 100. Like, once you get down to #34 and #35, what could the distinction between places really be? Does it come down to a scene, or one note?

Cool Pop Culture Thing I Saw This Week (not involving lightsabers, probably):

Yeah ol' man rhythm gettin' in my shoes
There's no use-a sittin' here a-singin' the blues
So be my guest, you got nothin' to lose
SG's gonna go on a sea cruise

You can't fire a blaster on the internet these days without hitting a Palpatine sympathiser!


I wonder how many beloved main characters from the series will die in the first episode.

I think we have exceptional taste. ;-)

"Heaven Sent" is such a great episode of TV. It's also such a nakedly ambitious, reaching for all-time-classic ep that I'd imagine most people either feel like it's a Top 5 of the year ep or either didn't enjoy it or didn't see it.

I have a Christmas Party at my work at almost exactly that time, and I feel like it is in my best interests to go spend 2 hours in a room I already spend most my time in but usually get paid for it.

Agreed, he should be in the Top 10 performances at least.

Here in Jacksonville, we see lowered standards as something to relish and take pride in.

Makes as much sense as Chip Kelly's actual tactics.

Cookie Cat is pretty much edible Jesus.

Bojack Horseman definitely has the best end credits.