Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Historically, the most popular music is not the best music?

I'm below the Wilt Line, but not because of free throws.

Manchester United will play Midtjylland in the Europa League. That club name looks like my cat ran across the keyboard.

If there's sexual tension in your pants, that might just be static cling.

I loved the twist in that tag. One of those where I saw it coming, but wasn't totally sure. So glad they're not done with that actor/"character".

I watched 10+ hours of UFC, which put my brain in kind of an intense place. It's a really exciting and immersive sport to watch, but probably the sport where the moment where the violence moves to an uncomfortable level before being pulled back is most crucial to the experience. I'm not all the way sure where I stand

Work pretty much eliminates me from any Tuesday-Thursday night activities. Especially with the Holiday season, I'm unlikely to be able to play before Midnight. But I wish you Godspeed and I'll try to catch the next one.

I was hoping they'd list the Top 25 Shades of Grey, so I could skip the less essential shades. I only have so much time!

Is James Patterson reduced to giving blowjobs for crack?

What do you think the Devil is going to look like if she's around? Nobody is going to be taken in if she has a long, red, pointy tail. No. I'm semi-serious here. She will look attractive and she will be nice and helpful and she will get a job where she influences a great God-fearing nation and she will never do an

The Art of The Psychology of Letting Go of Discourse?

This has been the latest edition of Loki Watches Full House.

Happy Birthday, Quirky!

What about Nicolas Cage?

"Ah, my old nemesis, Water. Somehow our lives seem to intertwine, and again and again we find ourselves face-to-face. But on this day, my fur will remain like a fine Martini….dry."

Converted Download Link. I may be the only one who still depends on mp3 players. Soundcloud is cool on my desktop, but I find it difficult to use on a tablet for some reason.

I started reading this comment as a rap, too, but it only lasted thru long con/dependent on.

But….I'm pretty sure the 1930s are in New York, and the 1500s are in California. The Nineteenth Century must be a long stretch of highway.

teaming up with Cyber Santa

I'm like 80% to play, depending on if I get home from my excursion in time. I expect to, though.