Unregistered Guy Named Eric

That Alabama vs. Florida game was ridiculous. At one point, Florida came on the field down 8 in an important situation and the QB over or under threw receivers on 3 straight Short passing plays, and they had to punt. Then Bama scored, UF's offense came back on and the first play he threw a 10 yard INT.

*Two men in bulletproof vests appear suddenly out of SG Standard's closet, chloroform him and take him to the Pentagon*

May the force be with you, Quirky. Also may a lot of caffeinated drinks be with you.

This link should, fingers crossed, be to a downloadable mp3 version of Stephen, Dave and Doc's Podcast (for those of you, like me, who listen to iPods and such).

It feels like Star Wars has replaced Christmas this year. I'm just waiting for someone to say "They start advertising Star Wars stuff earlier and earlier every year. It's barely past Thanksgiving, for God's sake!"

This is 100% true. Japanese indie wrestling is filled with unexpectedly weird stuff, like one wrestler abruptly kidnapping his opponent with a jetpack (and terrible low budget effects) and taking him to an island where they can fight to the death using magic.

So we can jump in our TARDIS and travel back to a time when people shopped at Hot Topic?

Most of my weekend was spent watching football. But I did have two excellent viewing experiences, those being my second viewing of Inherent Vice, which I'd put off for nearly a year and it was worth it, as I wound up liking it even more the second time (and I ranked it my favorite film of 2014). The other was of the

Who needs a parody site when you can just let athletes speak?

Vardy is kinda the Steph Curry of futbol right now?

I was a little worried that on second viewing I'd find Inherent Vice to be less substantial and that it had just flattered my tastes and views. But there was actually so much more there, scene for scene, than I'd realized the first time. The world of the movie came into focus for me. The bits that could seem light

The top Google results for Civil War now have nothing to do with the actual Civil War. Eat it, Ken Burns.

"Have you ever noticed how Train's never around when Supertrain shows up?

I think of Golden Tate Warriors.

I'd like to see a movie that tells the other part of the "found footage" horror story. Like where people find a mess of home video recordings that a) show a group of relatively innocent people being gradually lured to their deaths and b) appear to prove the existence of supernatural forces and they decide the best

My stream of consciousness resulting from this comment:

I'm upgrading my new PC to Windows 10.

Open Source Humor.