Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I just want to say that I know I'm next up in the s5 reviews, and while I'm not sure when I'll have the review ready, it will be in the fairly near future.


Matt Damon will return to the role for the 57th installment in 2032, Bourne Back Ceaselessly Into The Past.

Great moments in sports history: With 4th Down and a yard to go, Cam Newton runs to the sideline to get a towel with the game clock and play clock running. He then runs back to the huddle, snaps the ball, and runs for the 1st down.

I work for a local newspaper. My original job for them was just delivering papers to stores, post offices (we are such a small paper we send it out to our subscribers through the mail), and those racks where you insert coins and take a paper out.

There's one about Jar Jar being the true villain of Star Wars, too.

Pretty tight game from what little I saw. Now I'm trying to adjust to the idea that the Royals will probably be World Champions!

Hey, where I'm at (the FLA), Austin City Limits has Courtney Barnett on tonight. I think PBS varies by region, though.

No but half the team had already left to get good seats for basketball practice.

Insane finish to Miami vs. Duke. If the play goes online I'll link it. Duke scored to go ahead with 6 seconds left and Miami ran it back for a TD using about 20 laterals. Then the refs reviewed it for about 10 minutes before confirming it.

Liked for "Nip/Fuck"

The costume would be ruined when you went outside, though. ;-)

Study says Your Cats Probably Stalk You on Your Favorite Message Boards.

My sister's family will be having what I presume will be a large Trick-Or-Treating outing, which will probably be equal parts successful (in getting candy) and disastrous (by the second hour, I expect crying, screaming, arguing, and threats to take away the above mentioned candy).

My cats may harbor intermittent homicidal feelings towards me. They certainly have them for my nephew (in their defense, his affection for animals can turn sadistic). But I think they also see me and my family as their Mom, so it goes both ways.

Teen Witchcraft VII?


I'm going to watch my armies get slaughtered in RISK.

Has anyone here heard of the Witchcraft series before? I haven't, but I know we have some fans of obscure and entertainingly bad horror movies here. I didn't know any movie series had 13 (with 3 more on the way) films except James Bond and maybe The Land Before Time.