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Whether God could give himself gangrene on his fuckhole is one of the greatest challenges of theology.

I'm gay.

Yes! I love it when…sci-fi shows get cancelled. Bring on the (COLLECTED FILMOGRAPHY OF JEAN COCTEAU). Hooray!

To repeat myself
Yessssss *pumps fist*

yessssssssssss *pumps fist*

I think everyone can agree with the sentiment

I fucking love Jeopardy. I assume it's not on here because it didn't debut in the 00s because otherwise what the fuck.

On the other hand, I have never personally watched someone die a slow, painful death of reality TV.

I'm under the impression that these smaller lists were written in about half an hour, and that the ultimate omnibus will be given more attention. At least I hope so.

I'm fine with anything three people have heard of, when we get to 50 I begin to have problems.

I've watched two episodes of Penn and Teller, both on subjects where I actually agreed with them, and they're blatant skewing and misrepresentation of everything was bad enough without the glib holier-than-thou attitude.

If you don't include Firefly on any of your lists I will be so happy I can't express it.

Man, fuck space.

I stopped watching it reluctantly. The only parts that reminded me of the glory days were the Fonzie and Tom Cruise wax figures.

Penis Threat, coming to a theater near you this summer.

Literally everything exists on the internet.

Impending Doom: because it's in space.


I watched the Clerks show again a little while ago and man, does it not hold up. Stroker and Hoop however, will always be great.