
Andy Barker, P.I. was all kinds of awesome. That one being cancelled hurt.

Hasn't "I'm just a small town country lawyer" become just a general meme? I know I say it far too often.

Katt Williams is so awesome that I breifly considered actually going to see First Sunday because he was in it.

Christmas is awesome cause you get together with people you love and get wasted and sing carols and shit.

Dream On is a pretty good song if I can take off my douche hat for a minute.

You know they're REALLY classy when they call movies "artistic photoplays."

All I want is an RPG loosely based on the films of Robert Bresson, is that so hard to ask?

Man, Anatomy of a Murder is so great. I keep meaning to see more Preminger than I have, but never get around to it.

If you have never met any girls who like Hip Hop then you deliberately insulate yourself from black people.

If it ends on a pretty zero it's a decade you fuck. We don't need to be backed up by anything.

Yeah, Warrissey is a good consensus choice. He did some good work.

i disagree

TV: Mad Men?
Music: Boris
Books: I only read books from 1870-1875
Comics: Fuck comics
Games: Fallout 3 I guess
Film: No Country for old men

Only worried that some filmic masterpiece will slip by in December, fucking up your list. Also worried that you'll make dumb decisions but we'll leave that aside for now.

I mean, Allen has an edge on Bay and Tarantino by also being a comic and the leading man of his own films. If he had only been behind the camera I doubt highly that he'd have a strip. Charlie Chaplin had a comic strip as well if I recall.

Yeah it's true, can't point you to anywhere specific but that's what is on the table right now.

Amazed at all these so-called wannabe players
Showing off they tip offs to all the free-gayers

Beowulf was better than Forrest Gump by far. Not that Beowulf was "good" exactly though.

Most Recent
A+ MOVIE Oct. 25, 2009 - 12:43 AM
Astro Boy
Astro Boy

Terminator 2, or any other James Cameron film from my childhood, is a sure thing.