
Hey profs, I'd like my fucking midterms back. Thank you.

Hipster is a meaninless term, it just means "shit I don't like" at this point stop using it you fucks. Also, yeah TCM in general has caused a lot of "drop-everything" moments. I've watched To Have and Have Not a shitload of times on there.

Ever since being a 10 year old forced to watch Mission to Mars in the theater I have hated DePalma with a fiery passion. Carrie is okay though I guess.

I love how you're so hurting for a bold option that you put fucking stars around the title.

Being a librarian I can also confirm that.

In the year 2037 Christmas season will officially be the entire year.

I remember childhood as well. DuckTales existed in it.

Watch literally anything else in its place.

3.We haven't even seen it, what the fuck?

Watch sports, get bitches, smoke weed.

What the all Phish soundtrack might be:

Yeah, he's pretty bad.

Wait you've never heard of Sun Ra and The Fall. What.

Best Hitler ever.

Yeah, but does Walter Chaw even like movies? I've gotten the opposite impression over the years.

Movie's ok. Don't really care. Adjust your opinions accordingly.

Existenz is strictly for die hards, but yeah, Cronenberg in general is pretty fantastic.

Saddleback are you passing that statement off as your own because literally everyone has heard that.

They did?

Ha Ha "The AV Club" you must eat your words at this moment! Ha Ha!