
The Flirtations fucking own. Their full length album, Sounds Like the Flirtations, is killer too, definitely worth a listen.

Watch the god damn Wire
I hate watching TV on DVD for some weird reason but I've got to get through this fucker in order to remain a part of polite society.

Just go to theyshootpictures.com and pick up whatever looks interesting pre-70s. More specifically I'd second French New Wave, Breathless is the flick that got me into movies as something more than a way to waste two hours.

This movie looks fucking insane and I am so looking forward to it. We have a wizard Nic Cage, a man made out of bees, a robot eagle, and a car that transforms into another car. It also boasts one of the top three Cage wigs for sure. There's no way I'm not gonna catch this one.

Well the major reason that Keaton and Chaplin get compared at expense to Lloyd is that Chaplin and Keaton were directors while Lloyd wasn't, and post-auteur theory that was all that people thought merited discussion unfortunately.

There are a lot of great silent scores, I'll def. rep The Man with the Movie Camera's along with Commodore, I also want to point out Voices of Light for Passion of Joan of Arc, though that one's pretty divisive.
There are a lot of crappy ones too, especially with silent comedies where most companies seem to think they

Eh, I thought that Earthy Delights was a bit of a disappointment after the bar the last two albums set. It's still Lightning Bolt so it's good stuff but I can totally see how they would leave it off the list.

Yeah that probably gets my vote for "greatest album cover ever"

I would never buy Raditude but that cover is fucking incredible.

Yeah but
It also has this: "Obselidia (Director and screenwriter: Diane Bell)—A lonely librarian believes love is obsolete until a road trip to Death Valley with a beguiling cinema projectionist teaches him otherwise."

The Sweet Embrace of Death>Guns>Ratt tickets>Trans Ams>Kittens>Babies

He did Che and Che owned and if you disagree you're wrong.

You could get it on Netflix. Or perhaps at your local video provider.

Yeah, but every performance is "shaped a lot in the editing room."

I thought that people stopped using the term "raped my childhood" unironically.

Dude I was reppin' Stacy before all y'all knew the program. You're all johnny-come-latelys to the Stacy-wagon.

Vaudeville Villain

Nabin's been lukewarm about 50 from the beginning iirc.

@Rowan It's going to be the "decades (or at least years) or critical evaluation" thing. And I don't think that many people nowadays say that Citizen Kane was the first modern movie anyway.

I'm just going to assume it's Loser.