
I rely on allmusic checkmarks more than I'd like to admit.

Weezer (blue) - C+

If Zach did it it would probably be the most memorable Oscarcast of all time.

Lars von Trier. He won't fly so I guess they'll have to video conference him in or something.

Line up for the next few weeks
Looks crazy good, I'll be looking forward to the Owens especially.

I'm always right so I'm never ashamed to make my opinions known.

There isn't a single element of this cover that isn't great. Sorry guys.


You creepy fuck.

talkin' 'bout what musical choices get you girls in this comment thread

Can we back up to the moment where a commenter literally misspelled Citizen Kane in a smug comment.

in what? in what?!?!

D+? Unlikely. Gets my vote for the most hilariously conceited comment title ever. I can picture your glasses fogging up upon viewing the grade.

is not funny or interesting


"are there pills to help cure fanboyitice?"

Keep your video games away from my god damn movies. You can keep District 9 though I guess, it's halfway there already.

Misplaced and ultimately counterproductive?

Honestly why is the idea of a Michael Jackson concert film so horrible for you people.

This is a great fucking idea and I'm very happy.