
"learn to video game"

Iranian cinema will always be cool, just the Iranian cinema from the 80's and 90's.

I mean they're playing a couple of Hitchcock and Preminger classics at prime time but I don't know if you've seen those yet.

Persona's pretty fun. It's the kind of movie I watch after a long day.

I was surprised because I thought that this was that other Fallout clone which looked pretty cool but this is the one with all the guns which didn't so I'm fine. Also quoting metacritic to back up your point is stupid because the entire video game reviewing industry is a sham.

oh my god


There's been a lot of Cameron backlash because personality-wise Cameron is one of the biggest dicks in Hollywood.

I liked the first trailer better because it had no words.

Plot is a bourgeois lie.

The lanky part of the aliens is the only thing that impressed me.

Cameron's scripts are always filled with cliches and are usually pretty bad!

MJ owns. He owns.

adding Burl onto my short list of "tolerable AV Club commeners"


There's a great hardcore French rap song where they shout out QUOI? every few lines, it's awesome.

Dude it already has.

Doesn't he have a lyric which goes like "I'll eat every niggas ass" or something like that? Am I thinking of someone else?

Isn't he also the undercard, being less important than some dude named "butterball?"

One of the best yellers in rap
I don't really listen to him anymore, but when I was 13 I was definitely pumpin' X Gon Give it to Ya. I never knew any of the lyrics other than the titular one, but I never really needed to.