
Stacy and Horsefellow are the only good commenters left on this god forsaken website.

Fun fact: Rod Serling had such a severe stage fright that he needed to wear two shirts while filming his openings for episodes because he would sweat through one of them.

Damn it you spoilered that there were spoilers in the article.

Nicholas Cage is quite possibly the finest actor of his generation.

That was a really weird choice of Wayne, it was basically one of his "well, time to fart out a collab" moments.

Lil Wayne's kinda important dude, like it or not. And I don't know if you knew this but not all "black rappers" (strange qualifier there) are criminals.

OK I'll be clearer, you have to have the principle "420 smoke weed every day." Geez, didn't think I needed to spell that out.

It's true!

I suck cocks all the time yes homo

@SKTWR to release new shit.

Bob Dylan once rhymed "table" three times in a row. Lil Wayne is truly this generations Dylan.

Haha you honestly just repped Immortal fucking Technique hahahahaha

No. Never. Never stop. It's "420 smoke weed EVERY DAY" not "420 smoke weed SOME DAYS" you gotta have your principles.

Eh, he's pretty cool. If I had to give him a grade, I'd prolly give 'im a B.

If he does go to jail
It's still doubtful that that would decrease his proclivity by a bit. He releases a lot of stuff, that's all.

Lawrence of Arabia, Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters etc.

I've always done in BIO-pic. But I've heard BI-opic as well though that kinda annoys me.

She is literally Matt Damon in a wig. That is to say, yeah, totally hot.

How many films have you seen her in? 3?

I wonder
Is this a particularly bad biopic or are mainstream critics as a whole just turning on the form? Maybe a bit of both?