
Leni Riefenstahl is a far, far better directer than Michael Bay. And only 50 times are atrocious politically!

Because no one watched I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer"

How's freshman year going for you?

Instead of watching Behind the Mask watch Man Bites Dog, you won't be sorry. OK maybe you will but whatever.

Everyone should watch Peeping Tom, it's a must. Like, you should have your citizenship revoked if you haven't seen it.

Wes Craven movies in general bore me and cute self-referencing isn't enough to save it.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a legitimate masterpiece but I put it more into the "splatter" era then the slasher era. It's pedantic as hell, but there is a difference in my mind.

Peevish: If you have to ask, you'll never know.

The Passion of the Christ is a really weird god damn movie. It's really a quantum leap cinematiclly from Braveheart, it's like they were done by two different directors.

District 9 is such a boring movie I thought ZMF would know better.

Not in Hollywood!

Douche Dreams II: Douche Dreams the second

I once saw a double bill of Godard's My Life to Live and Wall-E

wow you really like hoop dreams! that is good. it is good for people to like things!

It's a good movie I liked it :)

Honestly television and film are pretty different storytelling mediums so you can never really tell if what mad AD so great can really be transfered.

That's a pretty shitty reason.

I hate the people who try to MST3K the movie. You are not funny. No one likes you. This movie may be actually good. Kill yourself.

read. the. other. comments. jackass.

It's a delicate parable about his childhood in pre-Franco Spain. In which he saw the rise of fascism in his beloved country. The entire country was "riding the tiger" (an obvious reference to the inherent dangers of fascism while not denying the thrill it must have given participants) and although they could see the