
This thread made me laugh.

Of course they don't see a problem with it. They are not interested in a balanced view, they are interested in having their partisan view promulgated and all other views squashed.

I'm sad to hear Everett got divorced
"World of Shit" has to be one of the most heartbreakingly romantic songs I've ever heard (really). Assuming that and other "break in the clouds" songs ("Losing Streak" etc.) are about his now-ex (I don't know much about his personal life, timelines etc.), it is distressing to

Good point. Committing suicide on Christmas is a major dick move—it will ruin Christmas for your whole family, forever.

This is kind of surreal:

This is kind of surreal:

Troll 2: "I think that the realization that this was not true has made some of us incapable of discussing many issues without a protective layer of irony to shield us from our own ugly thoughts."

Dumbledore Calrissian:

Talkie Walkie was the high-water mark, outside of Moon Safari.

The key to enjoying Pocket Symphony is deleting "Hell of a Party" from the playlist. The rest of the album is great, if you're looking for that extremely laid-back vibe.

HipsterDBag thinks his name is ironic.


You mean you wish you WERE a lesbian…
I would hang with kd lang, Mel Gibson take a hike!

-"Are you Chinese or Japanese?"
-"I'm Laotian."
-"You're the ocean? What ocean?"
-"Laotian. From Laos, Stupid. It's a landlocked country in Southeast Asia. It's between Vietnam and Thailand, okay? Population 4.7 million."
-"So are you Chinese or Japanese?"

Peevish: "Here Come The ABCs was too much Flans, not enough Linnell."

You are right.

David Cross thinks rich people are boring
I wonder how he'd define "rich." Presumably, anyone with one more dollar than his Alvin-and-the-Chipmunks-starring ass.

Gee you guys, you're hurting my feelings.

Yeah, cheap plentiful food is the problem
For a minute there, I thought I was reading the keynote speech for a convention of third-rate Bill Hicks impersonators.

Actually, a lot of it is shipped to where people have NO money, where it is immediately stockpiled by local warlords or inefficiently distributed by poorly-managed command economies.