
The whole album is definitely not a banger, IMHO. The Telephone Call, Sex Object, and Electric Cafe are all quite weak.

Normally contempt for Enlightenment values upsets me, but I just heard that Obama killed the socialist health care public option, so I'm just too happy and relieved to care.

That you think liberty is an esoteric concept says it all.




I'm sorry for all the insults, but for my money, nothing is more insulting than being told that when I think I'm making a free choice, I'm really just being an unwitting patsy of a shadowy cabal. I just find the whole concept incredibly contemptible, and I'm always surprised when other people don't.


On the other hand, let's suppose that free will exists, and you and I both have it. If this is true, then happiness is a choice—one that I am making, by the way, and you are not, judging from your post.



How's this: If you have kids and hate your spouse, put a happy face on it for their sake until the kids get to college, then go your merry way.


Previous comment was for Jeremy Irons.

Yes and no. There's a chicken and egg thing going on here.

Funny story
When my cousin was 15, our then-70-ish grandmother wanted to take him to a movie. He picked Dead Ringers because the newspaper ad looked cool.

I believe the conservative position is that children deserve to have two parents, as common sense and countless studies have shown that this is the configuration most likely to lead to good outcomes for the child. Furthermore, the parents have a deep moral obligation to set aside their own desires and do what it

Ladies and gentlemen, Arsenio Billingham.

gee-man, fair enough and a virtual beer for you, on me. Even agreeing to disagree is a triumph of civility in these forums. :) (And I'm a worst offender, I know.)

Here come the gay slurs. Sorry, Anomolos is Spanish, I must have walked into the wrong circle jerk.