
Hey Puss in Boots, I actually enjoyed your comments and drafted a friendly, in-depth conversational response, but I accidentally navigated away from the post window and lost everything.

I guess if Obama is assassinated, Arsenio will just be like, "Hey, he had it coming! He ACCEPTED THE INVITATION!"

Arsenio Billingham:

"Her brand of Christianity is fascist and frightening. She church she attends is borderline militant and supports the goal of turning the United States into a Christian theocracy."


Puss in Boots:


Puss in Boots:

You all missed the point. As I made clear, my primary objection was to the misogynistic tone, rather than the substance, of the complaints about Palin.

The deep, weird vein of irrational hatred for Palin among libs is totally out of proportion to any of the woman's actual shortcomings.

The essay describes his political "conversion" as arising from exactly the inconsistency that you point out. His plays have always reflected the immutable tragedy of the human condition, and it was only later in life that he realized how deeply his artistic worldview conflicts with liberal progressivism—at which…

Yes, it is not noteworthy to mention.

We'd have more luck playing pickup sticks with our butt-cheeks than we will getting a flight out of here before daybreak.

Del: You're in a pretty lousy mood, huh?
Neal: To say the least.
Del: You ever travel by bus before?
[Neal shakes his head]
Del: Hmm. Your mood's probably not going to improve much.

One may not afflict oneself onto others. One may either inflict oneself onto others, or afflict others with oneself.

You thought sex was beer?

Goddamn I love Roger Miller. He could mesh lyrics with melody like nobody else.

Preparation Heche: I always enjoy your posts, the above included. Your thought process is admirably balanced.

I've always been a subtitles snob by default, but recently I watched Tekkon Kinkreet in HD, and I had to turn on dubbing because looking at the subtitles was preventing me from getting immersed in the visuals, which were amazing and meditative.

Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski
Condolences. The bums lost.