
Precedent? Buwuuuuuh…
"Unfortunately for him, this case has a precedent"

Doing *what* too? Are you saying that pounding nails into an immigrant maid's forehead is morally equivalent to being an unwitting disease vector prior to the dawn of modern science?

You mean us?

3rd prize & sequence:

whataworkout: "And clearly, a pop-culture website is the place to air this out."

Right: integrity is measured by how unlikable you are and how little value people get from the things you do.

NVHS: "But if there are kids out there who believe that their Tshirt has 'core values' or their favorite band has a 'brand truth' — those kids should fucking wake up. Your favorite musicians are not your 'friends' and have no responsibility to give a rat's ass about you."

And yeah, India was way more awesome when the caste system was legal, women were burned alive on their husband's funeral pyre, and the countryside was infested with criminal bandits for whom garotting travelers was a religious rite.

All the Smiths albums are great—there is no particular gap in their catalog, ergo they do not qualify for this topic.

FidelAstro: "I agree, it's very convenient to have such a massive catalogue at your fingertips, but it's not NECESSARY."

ohboy: "Artists are not supposed to be hucksters. They are supposed to be performers and often writers. To say that an artist has to be a huckster to survive is saying that the only art anybody will ever see will be by obnoxious salesmen who also happen to be artists on the side…"

Cookie Monster: "Record labels not only gatekeepers."

Doc Brown, you just rocketed past ICP on the insufferability meter.

Eewuruerryewu :

Also: I'm happy I'm not young anymore. It took all this time for the world to even begin making sense. Youth worship is cultural, you're free to ignore it.

1972. I remember rocking a sweet handheld AM/FM/8-track player that looked like a lunchbox with a speaker on each side. You could split it in two to get proper stereo. It took 6 "D" batteries.


The first time I saw Hard-Boiled, it was in a college town single-screen theater, the house was packed, Hong-Kong cinema was not well-known yet, I had no idea what to expect, and I was massively peaking on acid the whole time. Just tripping balls.

They already did that. It was called Democratic Kampuchea.

Pancakes for One: "Defend, Challenge, or Qualify: Dealing with assholes has been the essential struggle of man throughout recorded time."