
Reminds me of Perez Prado, another genre-master, whose recordings are all punctuated by a distinctive whoop. I once read he is actually exhorting his band (in Spanish) to "play it!"

Place it on its side and it's a symbol meaning

Lawrence Welk is actually pretty entertaining, in a kitschy polka kind of way. That Great Depression generation knew how to take their minds off their troubles.

Chick-o-stix, fool!

That's because you are a horrible, horrible person!

Yeah, don't try too hard. Only thinking things through halfway is how the cool kids do it.

Weird Al
I've always felt that Weird Al is so obviously funny, that denial of same is a big "pretentious douchebag" red flag.

I'm not making any categorical statements, but one of my ex-girlfriends is half-Japanese (I have no Asian fetish), and she definitely felt that guys with an Asian fetish were creepy. It's just kind of dehumanizing to have somone be attracted to you because of your race, like that's their first criteria. It's a big

A quick Google of "day care vs. parenting" indicates that there are numerous studies that support this conclusion.

Somebodies: "You can feed and clothe a child, be nice to your spouse and give thoughtful christmas presents to your entire extended family and still be an evil dick."

Whoops! You got me! By failing to specifically mention it, my comments were clearly verging on apologia for child rape. Thankfully, you came along to share your special moral wisdom and set things right.

Also, the band that became the News played on Elvis Costello's debut album. Put that in your condescending hipster pipe and smoke it.

I love it. 99% of the posters (and the artists they are discussing) are in total ideological lockstep, but when victor.echo.november expresses a alternate viewpoint, American Psycho calls him a conformist.

The problem with the "people are assholes" philosophy, is that the espouser of the philosophy is also a person, and why listen to that asshole?

ha ha, as soon as I left this conversation I was thinking, I called that person a dude, I bet she's a woman. doh!

I don't necessarily think the woman should stay home—don't read more into what I'm saying than is there. I just think children deserve to have adequate parenting that is reasonably present and involved, so they're not taking all of their development cues from sources (such as pop culture and peers) that don't

I think the deleterious effects of single parenthood on a child's development are pretty self-evident. Consider the typical case: the single parent is so busy working that they are unable to even keep tabs on their whereabouts, let alone participate in school activities, monitor their tv/music/movie/computer habits,

Did he feed and clothe you for 18 years? If so, it is seriously messed up to call him an evil dick no matter what his politics.

Colbert is basically the Sean Hannity of the left. Ewww.

Since you asked,