
"First you're dumpy, then you're frumpy, then you're fat. There's…three stages of fat. I don't know, I'm not a scientist."

That's actually thoughtful of you to say. :) Plus, I see in the other thread you are an Ab Fab fan. We're practically amigos!

Hell yes, Ab Fab is hilarious. It's about as "chick media" as Lisa Lampanelli.

Venkman: I love this site. I'm a culture fiend, and as I said above, most good culture is liberal-leaning. I don't find it necessary to receive validation from everyone around me at all times.

It did cross a line: the imaginary one that Bush critics have in their head, beyond which criticism of Bush becomes "ballsy" or "dangerous."

Colbert took exactly zero risks in his performance—trashing Bush was a national sport by 2006, and it's not like Bush could do anything but sit there silently and take it. In return, Colbert became a media darling and predictably saw his career take off. Satire, yes, but hardly "ballsy."

So if I dislike the TV shows that you find politically agreeable, it follows that I am a stupid anti-Semite. That's some pretty sophisticated analysis you got there.

The Simpsons, Family Guy, Stephen Colbert
All are crap.

Against all odds, soce wins.

More lovely homophobia from the compassionate left.

Again: millions of lives saved count for nothing with you, if the methods to accomplish it don't jibe with your knee-jerk worldview. Thanks for proving my point, yet again.


That critique runs both ways. One could as easily accuse liberals as only having compassion for others when it is a convenient rhetorical device, and that same compassion evaporating, as it apparently has for Chauncey, as soon as it might lead them to an uncomfortable position, such as moderating their hatred of Bush.

So saving the lives of potentially millions of Africans counts for nothing with you?

It's not anti-comedy, you just think it isn't funny because this time, it's your sacred cow getting slaughtered. This is a typical and understandable, though still dubious, response to satire.

Also, Bragg has written a handful of good melodies, but Ray Davies could write circles around him. If that doesn't sit well with your little pro-union worldview, why don't you go put your low-skilled labor for sale in a fair market rather than suck on the tit of a giant extortion racket, ya fucking free rider.

Hard socialism of the type that Bragg espouses is barely distinguishable from Communism and could most certainly be called murderous and failed. Reluctantly putting aside the mass political murder and oppression perpetrated by Marxists of Bragg's ilk in the 20th c., socialist planned economies themselves are also

Right, that's what I'm saying—Bragg's a twat.

Totalitarian shill
Bragg is a shill for a failed and murderous 20th Century ideology. Happily, his music, like his ideas, will soon be at the bottom of history's ash bin.