Twilight Sparkle

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

The broadcast threw in a joke about Season 7 premiere happening on Romanian TV (I think?) if they didn't get their asses in gear, so season 7 seems like a safe bet.

I think I read that book (not for school, just on my own) when I was in ninth grade and my reaction mostly consisted of "Why the fuck did I waste time on that?". I don't think I've had that reaction more than one other time - the time I finished Piers Anthony's Incarnations series.

I always have vaguely charitable feelings toward David Brenner for no other reason than I found a $20 in a copy of one of his books that I thought I'd lost.

Today I learned Janet Varney is on You're the Worst. I have no excuse not to watch at this point.

Grease is a one-off - I can't imagine VB not getting a top pick during or at the end of its all-too-brief season.

Wait, Ron Perlman is on Mercy Street? I'm vaguely interested in this now.

So the guy who ran "Dear Girls Above Me" is making movies now? Hunh.

I found The Shining to be the most gripping of his books that I've read, too, so, honestly, I have no idea where that guy's coming from.

That's… uh… that's not going to end well if someone tries to claim that's canon.

Speaking of which, where the hell did his Count Verti-go?

So the asshole speeches are part of the character rather than intentionally being preachy. I guess I don't like the character enough to watch him for a whole season.

One of my dream movies is a biopic about Hayakawa. Always the villain, rarely the hero, but he managed to be a millionaire movie star in old-time Hollywood.

Is Idris Alba a subtle pun or a typo?

I demand ten cents in set-up tax!

You misspelled her name. It's Mamie, and Mamie is a slightly archaic regular name.

I wasn't actually referring to that, more just the monologuing about how bullshit society is.

Also Lyla Lerrol.

Real question: Does Mr. Robot keep feeling like it's written by a teenager who just watched Fight Club? I watched the pilot and liked the directorial work but couldn't stand the writing.

It's amazing they haven't killed The Flash, too.