Twilight Sparkle

And me, apparently.

Wait, they did that on top of killing off their only teen black character in three episodes and having a black kid get urinated on?

That other one's a spoiler, jerk.

I don't know about that, but I figured people imagined Jason Momoa because he's a lot musclier - Shadow's the type who takes bodyguard work.

I chalk up most of that to anime being primarily made for otaku - the people that pony up absurd amounts of money for special releases and can make or break idols.

I've been catching up on my anime backlog now that the end of unemployment is two weeks away, mostly shows I haven't gotten around to from last season:

Sounds like an award…

This is pretty much how I felt about it - the author doesn't appear terribly good at writing women.

Disqus was doing some sort of update right as I posted and I ended up clicking a couple times - turned out it saved the posts and uploaded it when it was finished updating.

Boys, boys, whoever Duvet Fortitude is, Delroy Lindo is gonna be on TV again!

So it's sorta like someone read Jeeves and Wooster but decided it needed to be about an American family rather than the British upper crust?

Honestly, I know nothing about Mr. Belvedere other than the jokes Sledge Hammer! made about it.

So who the hell was Manu Bennett voicing?

I should want to cook him a simple meal, but I shouldn't want to cut
into him, to tear the flesh, to wear the flesh, to be born unto new
worlds where his flesh becomes my key.

Honestly, I've never seen Invisible Dad - his appearance playing a weatherman on iZombie reminded me of Thicke.

Well, he was The Turtle over on The Flash last week.

To be fair, that guy showed up on Harsh Realm, so maybe he knows a guy?

Wake me up when they get to Narnia.

No wonder Martha left him for Mickey.

Would you rather have him be played by Peter Pratt?