Twilight Sparkle

It was cool, guys and gals and people who identify as assorted other genders.

Torchwood season 2 had a couple episodes I'd defend, but yes, most of it was dreck.

Not to say I necessarily agree, but it's been mentioned in the comments section here in previous seasons.

Don't be a douchebag.

Oh, Jesus, I come back for like three articles and Disqus gets even worse.

There's also recurring issues with native children being removed from their parents and rehomed with white people in kangaroo custody courts. The ACLU had a brief about that in the Dakotas a week or so ago.

I drop in once every few months to check my replies, but mostly I'm an AVoCADo commenter now.

We done 50 Shades of Spay, yet?

Now that's male privilege!

Fun fact: Abattoir was a 90's Batman villain.

Ha ha go fuck yourself.

Remember, the violence isn't new. Phone cameras are.

No, Martin Shkreli is ahead of him in the 21st-century rankings.

It's still easier to watch than his sex tape.

Unrelated: Does Domnhall Trump play General Huckster?

Can confirm: without Hitler, I would rule your earth.

Yeah, the cast is 90% fantasy Germans with the occasional fantasy Chinese aristocrat and a few scenes with non-descript people from the Middle East.

It's surprisingly engaging. I watched all three seasons.


After watching this series and the anime for the creators' other big hit, Bakuman, I'm pretty convinced that they're shit at writing female characters.