Twilight Sparkle

Jesus, I forgot a lot about that movie in the 6-7 years since I last saw it.

Is she better on that show? I couldn't tell if I disliked her or Mulder's line-reading the most.

Even the FEMA death camps are real in this episode.

They're talking about things that actually happened! Aliens must be real!

So much clunky, wooden dialogue.

The comment clearly states that it's coming from the butt.

Well, I'm not from Miami and I've heard of Dave Barry - the library had a pretty extensive collection of his books and I liked the style of humor in his column collections when I was 12.

When I meet someone who talks about sportsball unironically, I offer them some nachos. It's hard to be an asshole if you have nachos.

"dad from Invisible Dad" - Daran Norris, the poor man's Alan Thicke.

Look at Mr. Big Shot over here - he's got friends!

Stay bold, ponyboy.

Hrmph. I'll have you know I was on the chess team at school. I made use of my chess set!

Vegan potheads are the worst.

Today he uploaded a video of him drinking a 12-year Macallan bottle of scotch in 15 seconds.

Harness is better when he's left to magic rather than science magic. He did the writing for the TV adaptation of Strange and Norrell and that came out rather well. Kill the Moon, on the other hand, I hated.

Tea Leaf for the new companion!

Fry wrote one for Series Two, but there was enough reworking required that he felt he was too busy to finish the job and instead we got Fear Her in the season.

The first half of The Power of Three was pretty good.

I'm going to wait until a more reliable source reports this.

How do you get whiter than a Canadian girl doing anime songs?