Twilight Sparkle

Liebe ist für alle da.

I liked one of the shows it inspired, Fringe, for the goofy and entertaining character interactions. X-Files, on the other hand, is a lot less entertaining as the procedural format goes and I find myself skipping to the conspiracy arc episodes.

The star of Red Shoe Diaries clearly deserves that paycheck.

I'm just surprised any movie used Latin and/or Greek.

One of them, yeah. The movie spent about 85 million in 90's dollars and made back 32.

In my version, Grendel is actually Manbearpig.

Really? I don't remember them speaking both languages and do remember getting vaguely annoyed at them misidentifying at least one of them, but I guess it's been a while since I saw the movie.

One of my favorite bits is the genuine look of wonder on Ray's face as the Waverider drops the cloak in front of the team.

I've been watching Bakuman lately (both source manga are from the same two guys) and I'm pretty sure the problem is that the creators are just terrible at writing female characters. Bakuman features a heroine who's essentially optimized to stay off-screen - she talks as little as possible and all her alluded-to

God, the pedophile jokes were the worst. I can tolerate him without those, but it was a rough stretch.

Up till now I didn't know what MLC meant, so that was helpful.

Except no, she's probably going to be Proxy instead.

I was the sort of kid that got a 700-page illustrated history of the Civil War for mt 10th birthday.

Not unless you count Kilmer as the voice of K.I.T.T. in the Knight Rider reboot.

I miss Deathbolt already.

And she's spectacular?

Good luck from Florida.

No, I think the first sign of a Christianaissance was that his show wasn't cancelled.

I figured as much when he picked two criminals for the team - Captain Cold's strength in this incarnation is that he's as good a planner as Clock King was for the Suicide Squad.

Stuart was a celebrated cavalry commander who did some terrific things, strategically. He was also a showboat, and shortly before the Battle of Gettysburg, Stuart decided to ride around the entire Union army in the Eastern Theater (Virginia, Maryland, D.C., etc.). He ended up leaving Lee's army relatively blind, so