Twilight Sparkle

All I really want is an episode of Arrow where Oliver fights crime with his Earth-2 Dad.

I can understand how a guy stuck in a jail cell for over a decade might want to go on a camping trip in the great outdoors, but after a weekend, you'd think he'd want to see his son in settings where he's not wearing a prison jumpsuit.

I guess, but life kinda dropped a deuce on him and he's putting his frustrations somewhere. Joe might not have been omniscient, but Joe also justifiably didn't make an effort.

I'm pretty sure Barry has the time to save money and pick up his own pizza.

"or when Jack Bauer from Earth-2 TotalRecalls his brains."

In fact, an earlier episode gave Cisco a couple of lines about what cuisines the various prisoners preferred.

I've seen the first episode at least three times by now.

… who's the exception?

I do think the review Syfy kept quoting to advertise it - "Game of Thrones in space!" - is a bit of a stretch, though. GoT is more about political and military maneuvering within a realm, whereas The Expanse is more about external forces acting on a realm.

Oliver is a lot more tolerable in season one when it's a lot clearer that him having the emotional range of a plank of wood was an acting choice and not Amell being bad at emoting.

Well there was that one comic where they watch aliens having sex and cry about it.

I get what you mean, but Amelie Gilette pretty much hates everything superhero-related, even the movies that the Club likes.

That's… that's not what "moe" is.

Jonah Hex was on that show? All I remembered was Malcolm McDowell.

Oh no, someone's been reading Ayn Rand.

Today I learned that Uggie is dead and remembered that Soccer (star of the PBS show Wishbone) is also dead.

Emperor Nero was a neckbeard, which just goes to show you that neckbeards are upholding a tradition of being assholes that go after minorities.

I thought that was a British word for farting?

*grabs a chair and popcorn*

After a certain point, I got tired of it being the history of New England baseball.