Twilight Sparkle

Waaaait… which Steppenwolf came first?

Patrick Wilson is, as I have learned recently, a very good actor. I can only conclude that Watchmen wasted him.

David Goyer admitted as much.

Fun fact: Larry Wilmore is one of the terrorists in the Sledge Hammer pilot.

The climax of "All Shook Up" is kinda racist, and "State of Sledge" is kinda lost in 80's goofiness, but most of it holds up.

Alan Spencer did "Bullet In the Face" a few years ago with IFC. That one's at least cut from a similar cloth.

Fertilizing it, in fact.

I don't think a lot of the police brutality gags have aged well - see Kurt Kruggle getting tortured in the pilot - but the cast was solid and David Rasche is a hell of a comic actor.

I'm 25 and I've seen every episode at least twice.

I don't care about the show anymore, I just want an official soundtrack.

And Jayne died on the way back to his home planet.

Most justice systems have issues. The other day I was reading about Japan's criminal justice system with its impossibly high conviction rates and confession-based court culture.

Get an orgy, you people!

Alcohol is an exp-booster?

Primarily ham, though I'm not above sweating the vegetables in bacon fat. Homemade or imported mustard is a must, though.

I'm apparently hernekeitto, which is fair enough I guess.

Well, my name's Tom and I am from Finland.

Congratulations. This is the first time I have physically facepalmed at something on the internet.

Would you like a little Finn in you?

It's a kind of sweet bread flavored with cardamom that you're supposed to have with coffee.