Twilight Sparkle

I actually baked a batch of pulla this week, but no cake.

As a good Finn, I have my salmiakki and Nightwish tickets.

There's been enough mixing with the Swedes that I'll tolerate it.

I know, but it's worse that he wants credit for it.

I can't decide if I'm amused or annoyed about my country being punned.

*hoists bottle of koskenkorva in response*

Uh, no. The dude is the sort of guy who wants to take credit for founding Gamergate.

I was shocked the trailer gave Vandal Savage a giant robot. Well, at least the foot of a giant robot.

You know, I don't like Ghostbusters either.

I, uh, wouldn't know because I didn't like Ghostbusters and haven't paid attention to the news about the new one.

Yes, the A.V. Club is the secret meeting headquarters for the Trump campaign.

"And why doesn't Batman dance anymore?"

Way to reinforce racial stereotypes.

Since when is Enya background music? You OWN that shit.

I legitimately think Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace is one of my favorite albums. It's so goddamn catchy.

It's been about 14 years since that scene was shot.

Could be worse - he could have Tom Jane's stupid, stupid hair.

DVR some season 2 reruns and pretend it never ended?

Whatever, they all got powered suits.

No bank that speaks German could be evil.