Twilight Sparkle

*shudders at flashbacks to the Temporal Cold War*

Even worse, I've read that the fees for grazing on federal land are about 8% of what he'd pay for private land grazing, so it's already a shitton cheaper.

Tryin' too hard, brah.

Wait, are you saying studio execs actually care about diversity?

For people in the 17th century, the Puritans were actually pretty sexual. Keep in mind that these families tended to have 10 kids because only 6 would get to be adults.

Wait, did they actually bring back that lady who had synesthesia as a superpower?

Get a closet!

The first time I smoked, I ended up just laughing at nonsensical things but really didn't get any euphoria or things of that nature. That probably hits at least one stereotype.

I almost want it to end in a firefight, but the folks who'll be called in to put them down almost certainly don't deserve that shit.

Welcome to adulthood, where people are weird and you don't have school throwing you together with randoms that you have a chance of hitting it off with.

I haven't even seen it and I'm sick of it because one of my long-time friends over Skype lives in the area and is pretty pissed off that Avery's getting petitions for his release.

Go watch the new Childhood's End on SyFy, because reasons.

My god, the SyFy channel is making Sci-Fi again!?

I tend to stick with the base rule of: Watch dubs when it's not set in Japan.

Finally sat down and made some dense, Scandinavian-style rye bread. It's full of caraway seeds and it's goddamn heavenly with butter.

Are we allowed to call Sylvia Browne a cunt? She made a lucrative career off of lying to vulnerable, suffering people.

My parents are wonderful people as long as you're a Republican.

Dude. He's driving drunk. You need to come down hard on that shit. I know far too many people that lost loved ones because someone else had a few before driving.

Are Bloodborne and Dark Souls games designed for boss fights? I've never played them, but that's how these descriptions sound.

That was kind of Hassengered, though.