Twilight Sparkle

Staying off 4chan is good advice for life. Say what you want, but at least chunks of reddit are habitable.

It was entertaining if you were just there for the giant robots.

These days most of the episodes are devoted to trying to save Earth from an impossibly-advanced threat and/or delving into backstory.

Supposedly there's also been censorship of lesbian implications on Adventure Time in other countries, so I wouldn't be surprised.

The myth-building is pretty slow-paced since the episodes are only 15 minutes, but at this point they've actually explained why the Gems are on Earth and what their deal is, as well as adding the over-arching antagonists.

Eh, it's sort of a family program. The Sarah Jane Adventures was much more exclusively aimed at kids.

I am curious how London Spy and/or Cucumber/Banana happened, then.

Eh, Code Geass might make it. That only has surprising amounts of violence.

There actually have been some skirmishes over official material in the MLP fandom - one of the writers for the IDW-published comic put a couple OCs from controversial fans in the background of the comic. I think he ended up being fired, but it's unclear.

Or David and Jonathan, prince of Israel and Judah. Then David ended up marrying Jonathan's sister by circumcising a couple hundred enemy soldiers and ascending to the throne.

All I know is that an SU fan artist attempted suicide because gatekeeper fans decided her drawing of a character wasn't fat enough to meet their standards and cyberbullied the fuck out of her.

I love my dead gay space rock!

Britain is clearly a bundle of sticks.

*silently shakes head in disapproval*

Yeah, the first book is close enough that I'd almost call it plagiarism.

I wanted to hate you for this, but I can't.

Hooray, another alleged crime against women for Louie CK!

You can do anything you want at Zombo.com

I think he's a lot more tolerable when they lay off the pedophilia jokes.

Because of my parents, I have seen far more of Vanilla Ice's home redecorating show than I ever wanted to.